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Site-Wide Plot by Loafer
2 Topics & 2 Posts
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Writing Taboo Topics by Loafer
15 Topics & 25 Posts
Although these guides aren't mandatory to read in order to get started, everything here is incredibly helpful! From a guide to herbs, to a guide for fighting styles you can reference everything that's in here!
An A-Z List by ginger
26 Topics & 79 Posts
Do you still have questions after reading all the information and guides? Please feel free to post your questions here and the founders will answer your questions right away!
Forum Mentors by adrian
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This is where you come to create your character! Before making your character, please be sure to read our current character encouragements, discouragements, & bans. Please use the form provided. All bios will be accepted within 24 hours of it being posted.
Bazilkit by bee
13 Topics & 17 Posts
All accepted characters can be found here under the clan sub-boards!
Rainwish by lastmoon14
431 Topics & 495 Posts
Looking for a mate? Looking for adventurous or troublesome siblings for your characters? This is where members may create plot pages for their characters. Please only make 1 plot thread as to keep the board from getting overly cluttered!
Plotting Guide by lastmoon14
9 Topics & 30 Posts
This is where members can make adoption threads for their characters. This is also the place where members may adopt out their kits from rolled litters!
Marmottail by Loafer
15 Topics & 58 Posts
Birds and the bees on your mind? This is where you can post to breed your characters! One of the founders will accept the litter and will roll it after a period of time has passed!
Bumblestar x Burntdaisy x Pheasantcloud by Loafer
31 Topics & 126 Posts
This is where you may post your character tracker. It's a great place to keep track of plots, development, opinions, etc of all of your characters. Please only 1 thread per person!
Previous warrior assessments by Loafer
26 Topics & 121 Posts


Oakclan's camp is hidden from sight, built in a small hollow deep within their oak forest surrounded by an abundance of prickly bramble-bushes and thorny berry bushes. Because it is a hollow, it is prone to flash flooding and often stays damp and cold a long while after it rains. Oak trees grow around the camp, a marker for the cats of Oakclan but no other cats know where their home is amidst the thickets of the forest. Their camp is overrun by plant life, covered with mossy rocks, draping lichens, bushes, sprouting saplings and even herbs. It makes the job of a medicine cat much easier for Oakclan, as they can often pick a collection of herbs right outside their den. A very small trickle of water runs through the camp during the wetter days of year. Many of their dens have been formed by pulling in gorse and other undergrowth into the camp together to form walls. Vines and other lichens are pulled and strung between dens, cracks and boulders in the camp's walls in order to provide shade and cover. In the center of the camp a giant, ancient oak tree stands tall with thick branches that linger both high and low to the ground. This is where the leader of the clan will make announcements, climbing and standing upon the lowest branch of the tree.
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The training stream is located off to the left, not far from the border with Breezeclan. A small stream comes off from the river and drives through the territory, creating a small pool of water in the clearing not far from the camp. Training takes place in the middle of the stream, where it dips down and runs in a tiny stream, leaving lots of space in a small clearing to train and then rehydrate at the stream. Prey is also located nearby the pool of this stream, making it an ample place for hunting practice. The pool is a fantastic place for cats to go to drink during warmer days as it isn't far from the camp entrance, just a few fox-lengths away.
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Off to the right of the camp, it is located not far from the Shadedclan border. In a seemingly dead part of Oakclan territory, this area seems to ward off much undergrowth and prey seem to dislike coming here, it is unknown why. Cats seem to assume it is a bad place, a place where even Starclan steers clear from. Young cats are told not to go here without a warrior present. The weeping bark tree is a place where cats bring bad news to others in private, mostly the splitting of mates occurs here. It is rumored that with each heartbreak, a new piece of the trees bark begins to slip away, eventually falling off the tree entirely.
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A large sycamore tree with a gaping hole in the trunk just right off the main trail to the lake. An owl lives here. Prey is often scarce in this area, so hunting isn't recommended. The owl has been known to try and catch young cats strolling by late in the night. If a kit were to get out of the camp at night, or were to be out in the open, it would make easy prey for the owl that lives here. Some cats believe that offering a piece of prey to the owl will bring peace to them or their family, others believe this is a bad idea and will only bring more bad with the owl.
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Formerly known as Flightfoot Cavern, this cave is situated behind the waterfall next to Featherfoot cliff, and used to only be reachable by climbing in from the front. The recent blizzards and rain, however, have revealed a tunnel which collapsed, allowing easier entry from the side. The cavern is mostly one large room, with a few crevices for the medicine cat den and apprentices, and two separate, smaller caves for the nursery and elders.
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A dazzling expanse of snowy white feathers blanketing the ground, chock full of nests and stones, Featherfoot Cliff is a ledge of raised, sandy earth into a high cliff off-shooting from the stretch of dry valley territory. It’s sheer edge overlooks the churning ocean waters that connect all of WaveClan’s cut of territory. A rare find for resources, it homes the largest flock of gulls, pelicans, and water birds of all sorts. A nesting ground for eggs aplenty, it helps to keep WaveClan fat and full between eggs, bird meat, and fish. However, it isn’t as blissful as it may seem; in fact, it is the most dangerous location in all of WaveClan. Named after the she-warrior who lost her life to the cliffside, the piece of territory is a double-edged sword full of threats; the aggressive, massive pelicans, the unstable footing, and venomous snakes, scorpions, and spiders hidden within the crag all provide sufficient reason for the inexperienced to steer clear. As a rite of passage, it is tradition for young warriors to steal their first egg from the cliffside nests and return home without it breaking before their earn their warrior name.
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The loveliest location in all of WaveClan, it is the largest chunk of land. A smooth, sandy white stretch of beach with a few palm trees that connects the ocean to the rest of the territories. It borders on either side of the river with OakClan and the desert, and is full of lustrous sea shells from which the clan took its name. Near the water’s edge, closer to the OakClan side, is a quaint little area with a large rock that just slightly juts away from the shore and hangs over the water; the Sunning Stone. Using this, a cat can hang off the edge of the rock easily to scoop a fish up, and several fish do often hide here due to the shadow that the rock casts over the water, perfect for what they think is protection. In the warmer seasons and midday, the rock also makes for a great place to sunbathe; with no trees around to obscure the path of the light hitting the stone, the surface and the pelt of the cat lucky enough to be on it during these times of day are warmed comfortably. The rock can fit up to two of the biggest adult cats of the clans- and, seeing how many apprentices can fit on the rock at one time, the competition could easily become a fun game of stay-on-the rock, splashing into the ocean water below. When not sunbathing, fishing, or playing, this rock also offers a wonderful view of the ocean and WaveClan’s sunlit island, dazzling young she-cats who are in love with the thought of love, or young couples who are just becoming acquainted to the idea.
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An island off of the coast, this used to be the home of the old ShellClan camp, but is no longer in use due to WaveClan taking in some cats who were unable to swim across the small stretch of ocean to reach the island frequently. Former ShellClan cats will often swim across the expanse of ocean to fish off of the coast of the island, finding it easier to reach bigger prey this way. Apprentices are also taken here to learn to swim against rougher tides. The opposite side of the island contains a large cliff with countless tunnels inside - the former Sun Coves. They twist and turn and are riddled with holes and paths in the smooth stone, making it quite the place to explore, climb or play in. As such, it is the preferred grounds for training apprentices. The higher holes and openings enable daylight to find it's way in and illuminates the red rock in a warm, soft color. It can also let the good climbers find a way up top to the surface, with a fall down is not too bad either as the ground is covered with fine sand within the dry caves.
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A small lake in the shape of a crescent moon, Crescent Lake lies just west of the PrairieClan camp, and acts as the clan's main water source. Having a water source so close to camp proves very helpful in summer, and gives them an easy way to cool off. Additionally, the irrigation that this water source provides to the surrounding soil makes it easy for plants to grow, and allows PrairieClan cats to grow their own herbs within the confines of their camp and the surroundings, out of sight from other clans.
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The northern PrairieClan border is known to be rather fuzzy in terms of the boundaries. Ellis Lane is the first twoleg road in this direction, and is often as far as clan cats go. The gardens in Ellis Lane provide PrairieClan with unique looting opportunities, and the residents here are accoustomed to seeing cats. Sometimes a lucky warrior may find a scrap of fresh meat or a kind twoleg hand to provide them with more food. Given that this area is within their territory, PrairieClan cats maintain a good relationship with kittypets within this area.
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As OakClan's thick forests begin to thin out, pockets of fine, white sand spring up between the vibrant green grass. The Spotted Hollow used to be a shared plot of land between ShellClan and GladeClan, although since reformation, the hollow has been claimed by WaveClan. The hollow provides them with mice and other animals that they can hunt when the ocean's creatures hide deep underwater. Small pink and white flowers grow here, also attracting the occasional bumblebee. Shrubs and the occasional tree grow along the sides of hills, which dip and roll through the spotted hollow with no rhythm. This patch of territory is also good for OakClan medicine cats to acquire seaside herbs, and for WaveClan medicine cats to get herbs that only grow in drier, deciduous territories, leading to some interesting trades.
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Formerly unclaimed, this stretch is beach is to the east of WaveClan's territory, and renamed for the abundance of shells found along it's coasts and in the deep rivets that twolegs can't reach. This is a large expanse of beach, often times riddled with twolegs, especially during green-leaf. This makes it unsavory for the cats of PrairieClan, although for those who like twolegs, it is not an issue, and litter left behind can sometimes be used in nests or eaten. This allows them to patrol along it and mark it as their border. Sometimes there are weird two-leg monsters floating in the sea.
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The twolegplace rests to the east of the mountains, and borders both PrairieClan and OakClan to the north. OakClan's stance on the border is strict and absolute, though PrairieClan's is more leniant due to their allowance of daylight warriors and being on good terms with the twolegs and kittypets. Despite this, this is a border that stretches across both clans, and one that is patrolled due to the number of kittypets.
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Neutral Territory

Inbetween WaveClan and OakClan near the rivers and flowers are a set of cabins that are almost always empty. An occasional loner might use it for a home here and there. However, in Green-leaf and New-leaf two-legs seem to come here often with their pesky dogs and kits, posing risks for both clans. This is also the permanent home for the infamous Susan and her naked cat.
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At the base of the mountains is an odd tunnel surrounded by flowers that seem to bloom only at night time. Inside are glow worms causing the entire tunnel to be lit up! At the very end is a large rounded gray stone with a few flowers at it's base. This is the path to StarClan. Medicine cats come here at the end of each month to speak with StarClan. Leaders also come here to get their nine lives. Recently, the flowers haven't been blooming as much, and StarClan seem distressed...
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The Rangers Station is right outside OakClans territory. The tall brown buildings sit isolated hidden between trees. From it's location you can see the top of the mountain peaks! Very rarely are there any two-legs besides the occasional ranger, but there does seem to be a lot of dogs.
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Holy Grounds

In a land far away, all clan cats live at peace where no boarders separate them. Cats are said to appear at their happiest when in StarClan so many warriors appear to be younger than when they actually died. All cats who perished prior to the twoleg chemicals and while on the journey watch over their clan mates protecting them with all their might!
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Far off in the distance, in a place dark and cold, cats with hearts that are colder than ice and blacker than night linger. Dead trees line fields of mist and darkness. The forests are chilly, and the cats who reside within are tormented with a lack of food and water. Cats do not appear younger here and instead appear in the way that they perished. It is said that when a cat resides in the Place of No Stars for long enough, they turn into ghoulish monsters and lose their souls. That is just a rumor, however. Recently, this place has begun to gently snow...
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Out of Character

This is the place to post your art shop and FAD-related creations.
Fox's art! by fox
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This is a place where you can post your stories, or one shot developmental roleplays of your characters! The monthly writing challenge will also be posted here and you can earn acorns from participating!
The long waited journey by lastmoon14
22 Topics & 37 Posts
Don't feel like roleplaying but want to have fun? Start or join your own games here!
The Two Word Game by Brook
3 Topics & 11 Posts
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Hello :D!!! by sunflowers ♡
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Five Clans [Warrior Cats rp] by Riley
188 Topics & 232 Posts
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Hogwarts AU | non-canon - this is our story by Lena HAU
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Affiliate with LGDC ? by LGDC-danger
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Flowing Starlight lies in the low {warriors}